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Vireema Wenz Tech deals with sales and service of Injection Molding machines of every make available in the World.

Injection Molding machine Spares for sale

You can buy Spare parts from our online shop.

We have huge stock of rarely available electronic parts and mechanical parts used in Injection Molding machines.

Old & Refurbished Injection Molding machines for sale

We also refurbish and sell used spare parts for old and new machines. We also give warranty for such refurbished parts. The warrant period is depending upon the part type.

We also sell Refurbished and Old Injection Molding machines. We can export these products anywhere in the world.

Raw materials used for Injection Molding Products

If you require any raw materials used for Injection Molding Products please contact us. We can supply at very lower rates and terms.

Injection Molding Products

Vireema Wenz Tech also runs a very good Injection Molding factory in Malaysia. We can produce very good quality Injection molded parts and supply at very reasonable cost.

We Accept  ,  Cheque Payment and Direct Bank Transfer. All Parts Shipping and Customs Charges Not Included

Online Shop for Injection Molding machine Spares:

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